Meet the Governors

Governing Body Member

Mr. C. Hunkin (Chair)

Miss. K. Price (Headteacher)

Rev. Z. King

Mrs. J.Suret

Mrs. L. Thomas

Mrs. J. Bonetto

Mrs. G. Howells (Teacher)

Mrs. A. O'Brien

Mr. R. Hall

Mrs. A. James (Non Teacher)

What is the Governing Body?


Governors are like a Board of Directors who makes decisions alongside the School Leadership and the Local Authority about how the school is run. They meet at least once a term as a full governing body and several other times in statutory and non-statutory committees. 

Governors are appointed to take on a broadly strategic role in the running of the school.

The strategic role means the governing body, alongside the Headteacher decides what they want the school to achieve and set the strategic framework for getting there. It should establish the strategic framework by:

The governing body in carrying out these duties works alongside all stakeholders to share and achieve common aspirations and goals. This also involves particular legal responsibilities, monitoring of school regulations and the school budget. They can only act as a body, not individually.


School Governors are representatives for the:

Parent governors bring the views of the parents to the governing body, through the appropriate channels and are not expected to be the ‘mouthpiece’ of parents. They are governors in their own right, having equal status and voting rights in the work the governing body and do not vote for all parents in general.


How can I become a Governor?  Ask the Headteacher or contact the Clerk of Governors. Vacancies for parent governors will be advertised and circulated to all parents as they arise.