National Reading & Numeracy Tests

Children in Years 2 to 9 now take national tests in reading and numeracy each summer. It is really important that your child is in school to take the tests.

Online Personalised Assessments will be phased in over a three-year period as part of the Welsh Government Tests for pupils in Years 2 to 9.

Introduction to personalised assessments

Further information about Online Personalised Assessments can be found on the

Welsh Government website:


The reading tests are made up of short questions based on two or more texts. Some of the questions check how well the text has been understood, others aim to find out if children are able to make judgements about what they are reading.



There are two kinds of numeracy tests. 


Click below to find out more about the National Tests:

Welsh Government National Tests : Numerical Reasoning

Welsh Government National Tests : Numerical Procedural Tests

Welsh Government National Tests : Reading Tests

Welsh Government National Tests: Additional Reasoning Resources

Reading and Numeracy test results - animated guide for parents/carers

Click HERE to learn more about the

Literacy & Numeracy Framework (LNF)